WP2 aims at developing a plan of action for how a school would actually go about changing the mindset of an entire staff and pupil body.

WP2 addresses the need to harness the individual talents and ideas of staff and pupils and move them towards a common goal, which is to upskill teachers’ digital and sustainability competencies in order to empower them to support the school community members to become agents of change.


The project objectives directly linked with WP2 are to

  • upskill teachers to support an action-based Climate Change Education Curriculum (CCEC);
  • improve both teacher and pupil digital skills and open up the whole-class co-creation in learning and teaching to actively collaborate and negotiate with the teacher and each other;
  • guide teachers on identifying eco-anxiety and eco-pessimism so they can help their pupils to overcome feelings of overwhelm and fear and develop critical thinking and media literacy skills.

The specific objectives of WP2 are to

  • create a cohesive teaching & learning “green” culture;
  • enable staff to have a bird's-eye view of all curricula, from early years to high school, and successfully link them to the multilingual results of WP2;
  • ease collaboration at the Whole-School level as outputs are shared with parents and the community providing a concrete visual for parents to understand the project’s vision.
  • allow for differentiated planners between the partners: each partner is viewed as a separate entity with different needs, but in the big picture everyone connects, and everyone is moving in a unified direction.

Main results

  1. The Miracle Toolkit includes five booklets:
    1. The Basic Science Behind Climate Change  
    2. Digital Comics Co-Creation  
    3. Digital Augmentation of Comic  
    4. Fake news and Disinformation  
    5. 3 Educational Scenarios 
  2. Teacher training activity (C1) is a 3-day training, that takes place in Malta, on the use of the booklets for 3 teachers from each partner school and the experts from each partner.
  3. Validation Report
    1. Pilots Datatest
    2. The Validation Report
    3. The Minutes of the 2nd Transnational Project Meeting.

You can download the accessible version of the validation report here.