In addition to those already mentioned, another of the activities it is in charge of is the management of the risks that the implementation of the project may have.

It also takes care of an accessible and inclusive design of the activities, since the project has experts in this field. 


To ensure the monitoring of all these project management activities, various initiatives have been carried out:

A Project Monitoring Committee has been set up consisting of the Contact Persons (Participating Organisations Section) and one Contact Person from each Partner.

The monitoring of the project activities is ongoing throughout the project. During the TPM1 the partners followed the proposal to finalise the evaluation criteria, subject to review in each TPM. The main tool for monitoring the PROGRESS of the project is the MIRACLE Gantt Chart. Partners share status updates on assigned tasks during the TPM (f2f and monthly online). This give the partnership the chance to share information and identify whether someone needs extra help to meet deadlines.

Meetings also allow the team members to provide encouragement/reminders and develop camaraderie with the knowledge that the partners are interdependent to complete their tasks on time and get the overall project done within deadlines. Jaitek set up a scheduler online so everyone receives automated e-mail reminders a few days before major deadlines. Activity Leaders keep open lines of communication, especially with those who need to complete their task as a prerequisite to the task of other partners. The approach is "we are all in this together". If necessary, the coordinator occasionally check in with each partner to make sure everyone is on track.

The Quality Management Plan is the tool for monitoring the QUALITY of project activities (CLB) and includes:

  • OBJECTIVES: Project Objectives; Quality Matters (QM) Objectives; Compliance with application; European Priorities; Impact
  • PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Management Processes; Communication Reporting; Achievement
  • ACTIVITIES: Partner Meetings; Project Events; Dissemination
  • OUTCOMES: Innovation; Accessibility; Target Groups; Stakeholder review.

The project is monitored on the basis of relevance and indicators detailed in the "Other Work Packages" section.

ACHIEVEMENT of project activities is monitored to ensure that the project stays on track, is improved on an ongoing basis, and justifies the allocation of funds, including:

  • Pilot testing.
  • The frequency of the measurements of the indicators (indicators that will be measured frequently and indicators that will be measured at major milestones). The role of the schools representing the direct target groups will have a critical role in these processes.

Feedback and data are collected following GDPR:

  • Self and team reflection after each project activity through discussion, questionnaires or partner reports;
  • Feedback form for stakeholders with time allocated in the Activity Agenda;
  • Reflective diaries kept by teachers on eTwinning;
  • Recording of participant experiences through focus groups discussions, interviews and story telling;
  • Assessment of new skills or knowledge via pre and post questionnaires or quizzes;
  • Baseline results of project target groups.